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NVQ - Level 5 Diploma in Occupational
Health and Safety Practice (3654-05) Online Distance Learning


Possibly the best route to Chartered membership of IOSH (CMIOSH) for experienced health and safety managers

We firmly believe the new 'Level 5 NVQ Diploma in OH&SP’ that has replaced the Occupational Health and Safety NVQ Level 4 course, is the best route to Chartered membership of IOSH (CMIOSH) for experienced health and safety managers / officers / advisers.

It is work-based and practical, and relies on evidence from your job.

A National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) is a qualification that allows candidates to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression within the health and safety sector. Unlike traditional qualifications that rely on teaching and examinations, NVQs use performance on the job as a basis for assessment.

Target Audience

This qualification is aimed at health and safety practitioners who wish to achieve formal qualification in occupational safety and health management, for those wishing to progress a career in health and safety, and for those seeking Chartered Membership of IOSH.

These NVQ Occupational Health and Safety Practice qualifications are for people who are actively involved in the practice or management of health and safety as part of their job or role.

The Institution of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH) accepts these qualifications for membership at Graduate level (GradIOSH) and upon completion of their Initial Professional Development (IPD) programme, candidates can achieve Chartered level membership (CMIOSH).

The International Institute of Risk and Safety Management (IIRSM) accept this qualification for full Member status (MIIRSM).

Assessment Process

The Level 5 NVQ is made up of a number of different units of competence. Each unit describes the standards of a broad area of work that a competent person should be able to perform.

There is a Unit Summary which describes what the unit is about and clarifies key words and phrases. Each unit is broken down into a number of elements. Taken together the elements show what needs to be done to achieve the whole unit.

Those undertaking NVQs are expected to upload their evidence onto a website called ‘Learning Assistant’. Appropriate advice, guidance and practical support with Learning Assistant will be made available to all NVQ candidates during a defined learning support period. All work submitted will be assessed on-line with electronic feedback provided afterwards.

Advantages of this approach include; timely learning support and assessment of work, more secure storage and easier retrieval of evidence and reports, speedy access to advice and support.


There are ten individual units that must be completed to obtain the overall qualification that make up 108 Credits : Mandatory Units


Video and CDROM Prices
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