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Report Writing - Oh What a Lovely Report - DVD


Overcome the blank paper syndrome by proceeding with a plan

A well written report is easy to read, sharing information and corporate knowledge. Sadly, not all reports are crafted with these objectives in mind. “How would you define a report?” “Something I write and you tear up.” Thus Arthur Lowe’s hapless subordinate is set the task of preparing a report on the writing of reports.

This DVD Covers

Arthur Lowe reappears in a number of guises throughout this amusing video to lend Smith (Jeff Rawle) a helping hand. First as a friendly policeman, who spells out the four essential stages in report writing, and then as Sir Digby Delve, archaeologist, who explains how to dig for relevant facts. From there, Smith goes on to meet Professor Planowski, who shows him how to select, organise and shape his material. When the report is written out, Jones is pleasantly surprised.

Who could benefit?

Key learning areas

This DVD now comes with a PDF of the original trainers notes, handouts and slides.

Running times

Main video: 26 minutes
Summary video: 5 minutes


Video and CDROM Prices
International orders please email for cost
Bulk Discounts Available



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