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Risk Assessment Software


This software package will help you make Risk Assessments, create reports, rank the risks, and a whole lot more!

Read on!

The Software Features

Corporate Profile

The software functionality is centred around a heirarchal view of the organisation, which you can set up quickly and easily. Remember DOT-H (Department, Operation, Task - Hazards). Of course, you can modify the terminology to suit existing policy within your organisation. This allows clear identity and line ownership, enforced through built in security which can be assigned to the users, thus allowing management to focus on their responsibility for safe, low risk operations - all of which is available at a glance in one main screen.

Simple 'drag and drop' functionality within the application enables structure and maintenance to be performed with ease. Build a template which can be quickly added to any department in the profile to save time.

Associated documents can be attached to any object in the corporate profile, these could be safe systems of work, building plans, COSHH data sheets or even photographs and movie files! These are then managed within the application and can be opened within CRS Risk© (appropriate software required on the client computer.)

Risk assessments are conducted using the well-known HSE "Five Steps to Risk Assessment" approach, as recognised by enforcing authorities.

Risk Ranking

CRS Risk© uses a straightforward risk ranking methodology suggested by IOSH (the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health) in it's "Managing Safely" training courses.

You independently select likelihood and severity from easy drop down controls. The risk quotient is automatically calculated for you hilighting the resulting level nad priorities for future control and management action. You can customise the matrix levels and the terminology and descriptions using a simple customisation panel within the application.

Action Plans and Reviews

Action plans and reviews can be added to assessments to ensure future management and reduction of risk. Individual employees can be delegated responsibility of specific actions and reviews in order to track progress against organisational objectives.


Very focussed reports can be created using user-selective criteria. This can be based on the highest risk quotient, employee, department, action plans or reviews. You can select HTML reporting, Microsoft® Office® documents or export data into CSV (Comma Separated Values) format for integration into other systems. Of course reports can also be emailed (compatible email client required) from within the application itself, ensuring submission of Risk Assessments to Head Office, colleagues, insurers or the HSE, is quick and cost effective, demonstrating a high degree of professionalism.


Since version 1.2.5, a strong security system has been provided allowing total control of all aspects of the corporate profile, from giving specific users access only to their specific areas, controlling maintenance of the data, assessment and approval responsibility. The software can be implemented on a network, centralising the database for sharing of data. Users are given specific accounts with their own unique password.

Call to request a demo cdrom

Requires Windows 98/ME/2000/NT/ME/XP 
Network and Intranet versions available


Video and CDROM Prices
International orders please email for cost
Bulk Discounts Available



London: 020 8819 9561
Birmingham: 0121 374 0078
Bristol: 01172 230 014
Watford: 01923 51 00 20
Manchester: 0161 660 7660
Norwich: 01603 857 877
Glasgow: 0141 530 7710

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