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Transporting Dangerous Goods - interactive Online Training


This course considers the main provisions of the European Agreement on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) and the Carriage of Dangerous Goods and Use of Transportable Pressure Equipment Regulations 2009 (or CDG) which implement ADR in Great Britain (England, Scotland & Wales).

Northern Ireland has equivalent regulations and so this training course is also applicable there.

Course Modules

Transporting Dangerous Goods

Course Duration

The average course completion time is 90 minutes.


Video & CDROM Price List
International orders please email for cost
Bulk Discounts Available



London: 020 8819 9561
Birmingham: 0121 374 0078
Bristol: 01172 230 014
Watford: 01923 51 00 20
Manchester: 0161 660 7660
Norwich: 01603 857 877
Glasgow: 0141 530 7710

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