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Management of Health & Safety at Work - elearning Online or CDROM


How do you assess risks at work? All health & safety measures in the UK stem from the 1974 Health & Safety Act. Further updates have been added and adopted by the EC.

The Health & Safety Commission produces regulations and codes of conduct in the UK, which are enforced by the Health & Safety Executive. In order to assess risks, hazards need to be reviewed and priorities established. This is only the beginning as it is a requirement for management to have protective and preventive measures in place to cope with emergencies at work. Ideally, risks should be eliminated with constant surveillance of the health of all, plus rigorous compliance with the safety regulations.

You are taken through the procedures, which in an emergency can save lives and for which training is given. Co-operation is co-ordinated in the workplace to comply with relevant Health & Safety legislation and ensure the health of all at work.

Course Type

These courses cover all areas of health and safety; companies have an obligation to undertake for the well being of their staff.  Using high quality video footage, students will be demonstrated a number of real life situations.

Course Objectives

The course is designed to give students a thorough introduction to health and safety in order to equip them to make the best decision possible. 

Course Content

At the end of this course you will know:

Course Duration

On average the course takes 2-3 hours to complete.


Video & CDROM Price List
International orders please email for cost
Bulk Discounts Available



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