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Harassment and Bullying - Advisor/Officer Training


This course has been designed for those staff with responsibility as contact person for employees complaining of harassment and bullying.

Their role requires them to obtain accurate facts from the employees of their complaint and assess the circumstances, strength and clarity of the case; also to advise the employee on their position (possibly explain options etc) and help support them in dealing with their work situation.

This course focuses in particular on the interpersonal skills necessary in working with both the complainants and those having complaints brought against them.

The Course Covers

Course Duration

Two days


Certificate of Attendance



London: 020 8819 9561
Birmingham: 0121 374 0078
Bristol: 01172 230 014
Watford: 01923 51 00 20
Manchester: 0161 660 7660
Norwich: 01603 857 877
Glasgow: 0141 530 7710

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