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National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) General Certificate


Managers with both general and specific responsibilities for health and safety at work are increasingly turning to competency based training to help them implement the significant obligations that health and safety legislation now places upon them.

The National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) have specially developed the National General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Health as an examination based qualification in recognition of this training requirement. It is also recognized by the lnstitute of Occupational Safety and Health as an appropriate qualification for Affiliate grade admission.

Aims and Objectives

By the end of the course delegates will be able to:

The Course Covers

The programme consists of three parts:

Who Should Attend:

Any Manager, Supervisor or Safety Practitioner who wishes to acquire a formal qualification and extend their knowledge and skill in applying successful health and safety practices.

Course Duration

10 days plus exam


NEBOSH General Certificate

We can run this course onsite, or we have dates for OPEN COURSES.

We have this course available as Distance Learning ONLINE.

NEBOSH General Certificate 10 day + Rev + Exam
Start date Venue Cost
16/01/2017 Birmingham £1,345
16/01/2017 Washington £1,345
16/01/2017 Bristol £1,345
16/01/2017 London £1,345
23/01/2017 Manchester £1,345
23/01/2017 Southampton £1,345
30/01/2017 Walsall £1,345
30/01/2017 Wakefield £1,695
30/01/2017 London £1,795
30/01/2017 Aberdeen £1,695
06/02/2017 Cambridge £1,345
06/02/2017 Leeds £1,345
06/02/2017 Birmingham £1,695
13/02/2017 London £1,345
13/02/2017 Glasgow £1,695
13/02/2017 London Heathrow £1,695
13/02/2017 Cardiff £1,695
20/02/2017 Birmingham £1,345
20/02/2017 Glasgow £1,695
20/02/2017 Edinburgh £1,695
20/02/2017 Southampton £1,695
27/02/2017 Warrington £1,695
06/03/2017 Manchester £1,345
06/03/2017 Nottingham £1,345
06/03/2017 Aberdeen £1,695
06/03/2017 Bristol £1,695
06/03/2017 Manchester £1,399
13/03/2017 London £1,345
13/03/2017 Cambridge £1,695
13/03/2017 Darlington £999
13/03/2017 Gloucester £999
13/03/2017 Southampton £999
20/03/2017 Bristol £1,345
20/03/2017 London Kensington £1,795
20/03/2017 Basildon £1,695
20/03/2017 Derby £1,399
27/03/2017 Birmingham £1,345
27/03/2017 Southampton £1,345
27/03/2017 Washington £1,345
27/03/2017 Wakefield £1,695
03/04/2017 Cardiff £1,695
03/04/2017 London Heathrow £1,695
03/04/2017 Derby £1,695
24/04/2017 Glasgow £1,695
24/04/2017 Warrington £1,695
24/04/2017 Birmingham £1,399
24/04/2017 Colchester £1,399
24/04/2017 Edinburgh £1,399
24/04/2017 Reading £1,399
24/04/2017 York £1,399
08/05/2017 Birmingham £1,345
08/05/2017 Leeds £1,345
08/05/2017 Manchester £1,345
08/05/2017 London £1,345
08/05/2017 Brighton £1,695
08/05/2017 Darlington £1,399
15/05/2017 Cambridge £1,345
15/05/2017 Bristol £1,695
15/05/2017 London Kensington £1,795
22/05/2017 Wakefield £1,695
05/06/2017 Cardiff £1,345
05/06/2017 London £1,345
05/06/2017 Walsall £1,345
05/06/2017 Cardiff £1,695
05/06/2017 Northampton £1,695
05/06/2017 Derby £1,399
05/06/2017 Southampton £1,399
12/06/2017 Southampton £1,345
12/06/2017 Washington £1,345
12/06/2017 Aberdeen £1,695
19/06/2017 Bristol £1,345
19/06/2017 Southampton £1,695
19/06/2017 Basildon £1,695
26/06/2017 Birmingham £1,345
26/06/2017 Warrington £1,695
26/06/2017 London Heathrow £1,695
26/06/2017 Cambridge £1,695
03/07/2017 Manchester £1,345
03/07/2017 London £1,345
03/07/2017 Brighton £1,695
03/07/2017 Birmingham £1,399
03/07/2017 Edinburgh £1,399
03/07/2017 Reading £1,399
10/07/2017 Nottingham £1,345
10/07/2017 York £1,399
17/07/2017 Leeds £1,345
17/07/2017 London Kensington £1,795
24/07/2017 Birmingham £1,345
24/07/2017 Wakefield £1,695
31/07/2017 Bristol £1,695
31/07/2017 Colchester £1,399
07/08/2017 Cambridge £1,345
07/08/2017 Washington £1,345
07/08/2017 London £1,345
07/08/2017 Cardiff £1,695
07/08/2017 Derby £1,695
07/08/2017 Darlington £1,399
07/08/2017 Manchester £1,399
21/08/2017 Warrington £1,695
28/08/2017 Glasgow £1,695
04/09/2017 Birmingham £1,345
04/09/2017 Leeds £1,345
04/09/2017 London £1,345
04/09/2017 Nottingham £1,345
04/09/2017 Edinburgh £1,695
04/09/2017 London Heathrow £1,695
04/09/2017 Birmingham £1,399
04/09/2017 Derby £1,399
04/09/2017 Gloucester £1,399
04/09/2017 Southampton £1,399
11/09/2017 Manchester £1,345
11/09/2017 Bristol £1,345
11/09/2017 Basildon £1,695
11/09/2017 Cambridge £1,695
11/09/2017 Reading £1,399
18/09/2017 Southampton £1,345
25/09/2017 London Kensington £1,795
02/10/2017 London £1,345
02/10/2017 Aberdeen £1,695
02/10/2017 Cardiff £1,695
02/10/2017 York £1,399
09/10/2017 Birmingham £1,345
09/10/2017 Cardiff £1,345
09/10/2017 Southampton £1,695
09/10/2017 Darlington £1,695
16/10/2017 Walsall £1,345
16/10/2017 Warrington £1,695
16/10/2017 Edinburgh £1,399
23/10/2017 Aberdeen £1,695
23/10/2017 Glasgow £1,695
23/10/2017 Colchester £1,399
30/10/2017 Washington £1,345
30/10/2017 Glasgow £1,695
30/10/2017 Bristol £1,695
30/10/2017 Darlington £1,399
06/11/2017 Manchester £1,345
06/11/2017 London £1,345
06/11/2017 Brighton £1,695
06/11/2017 London Kensington £1,795
06/11/2017 Birmingham £1,399
06/11/2017 Derby £1,399
06/11/2017 Southampton £1,399
13/11/2017 Leeds £1,345
13/11/2017 Bristol £1,345
13/11/2017 Nottingham £1,345
13/11/2017 Northampton £1,695
13/11/2017 Reading £1,399
20/11/2017 Cambridge £1,345
20/11/2017 London Heathrow £1,695
20/11/2017 Wakefield £1,695
27/11/2017 Birmingham £1,345
04/12/2017 Southampton £1,345
04/12/2017 London £1,345
11/12/2017 Basildon £1,695
11/12/2017 Warrington £1,695
11/12/2017 Derby £1,695
08/01/2018 Southampton £1,695
08/01/2018 London Kensington £1,795
15/01/2018 Aberdeen £1,695
15/01/2018 Northampton £1,695
15/01/2018 Wakefield £1,695
22/01/2018 Cardiff £1,695
29/01/2018 London Heathrow £1,695
05/02/2018 Bristol £1,695
05/02/2018 Brighton £1,695
12/02/2018 Darlington £1,695
12/02/2018 Warrington £1,695
19/02/2018 Glasgow £1,695
19/02/2018 Northampton £1,695
12/03/2018 London Kensington £1,795
19/03/2018 Basildon £1,695
19/03/2018 London Heathrow £1,695
19/03/2018 Cardiff £1,695
19/03/2018 Wakefield £1,695
16/04/2018 Warrington £1,695
23/04/2018 Southampton £1,695
30/04/2018 Derby £1,695
30/04/2018 Brighton £1,695
14/05/2018 Bristol £1,695
21/05/2018 Wakefield £1,695
21/05/2018 Aberdeen £1,695
21/05/2018 Cardiff £1,695
04/06/2018 London Heathrow £1,695
11/06/2018 Darlington £1,695
18/06/2018 Warrington £1,695
25/06/2018 Northampton £1,695





London: 020 8819 9561
Birmingham: 0121 374 0078
Bristol: 01172 230 014
Watford: 01923 51 00 20
Manchester: 0161 660 7660
Norwich: 01603 857 877
Glasgow: 0141 530 7710

© Training World Ltd

All NEBOSH, IOSH, IFE, IEMA and City & Guilds courses are run through authorised centres

Online Course

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