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Ventilation HTM 03-01 for Maintenance Staff - Competent Person and Authorised Person

HTM 03-01, Specialised Ventilation in Healthcare Premises was published in November 2007 as the replacement for HTM 2025 for new installations and major refurbishments.

HTM03 supersedes all previous versions of HTM 2025 and has rationalised its content into two parts, Design and Operational Management.

Aim of the course

This course is intended to improve trainees skills and knowledge relating to ventilation plant, including: identification of faulty plant; carrying out airflow, pressure, temperature and humidity measurements; carrying out maintenance activities; interpreting HTM 03‑01 and carrying out audits and verifications/validations to HTM 03‑01.

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course the delegate will be able to:

Delegate Numbers

Engineering Staff - Due to the practical elements of this event, the maximum number of delegates is 8.

On-site Requirements

Site Equipment

Airflow test and measuring equipment will be provided for the duration of the event but where sites have their own equipment, it should be made available so that trainees can also practice with it.

The trainer can advise on the purchase of suitable test instruments if required.

Course Duration

Five days



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