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Care Training Homepage


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Social Care Training Homepage
Abuse and the Issues Surrounding this area of Concern, Introduction to
Activities for Disabled Persons
Appraisal and Managing Performance
Assertiveness Skills
Bereavement and Loss
British Sign Language BSL
Bullying, Recognising and Responding to
Care Planning
Carers Act and Legislation
Child Abuse: Issues, An Introduction
Child Protection, Good Practice in Risk Assessment
Child Protection: Raising Awareness
Circles of Support
Community Care Act and the Care Management Process, An Introduction
Conflict Management
Deaf Communication Awareness Training
Effective Communication Skills
Falls Prevention in Care
Health and Safety in Residential Care Homes and Day Care Centres - An Introduction to
HIV and AIDS Awareness
Key Working
Listening Skills and Groupwork
Managing Dangerous Behaviour
Manual Handling for Care Staff - Train The Trainer
Manual Handling for Care Staff Training
Manual Handling Risk Assessment for Supervisors/Assessors of Care Staff
Medication Policy
Mental Health First Aid
Mental Health Issues and Disability
Mental Health Issues and People who have Learning Disabilities
Mental Health: Handling Difficult Situations
Mobility and Transport Facilities
Pre-Retirement Course
Record Keeping
Rights, Risks and Responsibility
Risk Assessment: Working with Challenging Behaviour
Self Defence and Personal Safety
Stress Management
Supervision Task, The
Supporting People with their Sexuality, Introduction to
Values into Practice
Train the Trainer - Breakaway Techniques
Why make changes?
Working in Partnership
Working Together
Working with Children Who Exhibit Severe Challenging Behaviour
Working with Children with Disabilities



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