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Management of Health & Well-Being in the Workplace Book

This NEBOSH Study Book provides an understanding of health and well-being in the workplace and assists those involved to minimise absence, encourage people back to work where possible, and deal effectively with the health issues of employees.

This NEBOSH Study Book meets the current syllabus and format of the NEBOSH National Certificate in the Management of Health and Well-being at Work: Unit NHC1.

This publication contains a forward from Dame Carol Black, a government minister that championed better health, and has established itself as an important book on the subject.

The NEBOSH Study Book provides an understanding of health and well-being in the workplace and assists those involved to minimise absence, encourage people back to work where possible, and deal effectively with the health issues of employees.

It provides an insight into work-related health problems, how this affects the individual and the impact on the family and wider community. The practical and informative approach will provide managers, human resource staff and health and safety practitioners with a perspective of the significance of health and wellbeing in the workplace and an understanding of what is involved in managing it. This publication would be useful for GPs, Practice Nurses and those health professionals undergoing training for Community or Social work.

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