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Advanced Maintenance Planning & Scheduling


This training program on Advanced Maintenance Planning, and Scheduling is designed to cater to the needs of mechanical, electrical, operations and instruments personnel involved in Maintenance Planning, Organizing, Directing, Staffing, Coordinating and Budgeting of maintenance activities related to any type of Process / Refinery organization.

Course Objectives

This program is based on Pareto’s Model, and Network Analysis which divides the entire system into subsystems and elements and accords maintenance priorities based on whether lack of maintenance or postponement shall lead to

Who Should Attend This Course?

The course is primarily for Maintenance Planning personnel, but would also be very useful and constructive to maintenance, operations and instrumentation staff.

After attending this training program, participants shall be able to carry out maintenance planning and execution activities more advanced and scientifically, using the knowledge gained by this program.

For improving the understanding of the topic, a number of hands-on exercises are provided to the participants for their active role in the inter active training.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Course Duration

Five Days


Certificate of Attendance or Certificate on passing the end of course test (if required)



London: 020 8819 9561
Birmingham: 0121 374 0078
Bristol: 01172 230 014
Watford: 01923 51 00 20
Manchester: 0161 660 7660
Norwich: 01603 857 877
Glasgow: 0141 530 7710

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